We always knew the time would come when, for some unforeseeable reason, we weren’t all together in Vegas in late May/early June. I speculated there’d be a not-to-be-missed wedding, or a birth, or a career change, and I’d be quietly dying inside of FOMO as I watched the life I’ve lived for nearly 2 decades go on without me. But then, COVID-19 happened, and none of us made our annual pilgrimage to Sin City.
In an effort to keep this industry in general, and our communities in particular, feeling connected and engaged, we have teamed up with our friends at The COUTURE Show and U.S. Antique Shows to develop content and information you may find useful. We’ve been developing webinars with experts in their fields, creating “white papers” with helpful information about a wide range of topics, and aggregating content from our other industry partners such as National Jeweler, InStore, Jewelers Vigilance Committee, Jewelers Security Alliance and MJSA. You can find these resources on the JA New York site here, or on the COUTURE website here, so make sure check out what’s available so that your businesses can benefit from these expert insights.
If you have any ideas for topics you’d like us to discuss, feel free to reach out to any member of the JA New York team or simply leave a comment on this post!