Hotel Reservations for JA New York Spring are Coming Soon!
We’ve partnered with EventSphere to offer affordable and convenient hotel options in New York City during your trip to JA New York. Reserve your room today for the best rates and selection!
Benefits of booking within the official housing block include:
– Discounted rates for guests
– Flexible cancellation policies
– Exclusive promotions and perks
– Discounted rates on upgrades
– Reservation relocation protection
Beware of Housing Poachers!
EventSphere is the only official housing provider of JA New York. We do not endorse booking hotel reservations through any source other than EventSphere, our official housing partner. Other third-party companies may contact you in an effort to get you to book through them. Often, they will misrepresent themselves as the official housing provider. Should you book a room through any other company, we will not be able to protect you from a non-refundable deposit or lack of reservation completely. Should you be contacted by someone other than EventSphere, please let us know by emailing [email protected].