JA New York: 5 words that describe my brand DNA are…
HJP: Circles; Imperfect; Sparkle; Organic; Timeless
JA New York: Every morning I…
HJP: Start my day with my caffeine companion, coffee or black tea
JA New York: My Style Icon is…
HJP: Coco Chanel
JA New York: I never leave the house without…
HJP: My iphone and jewelry
JA New York: I have my breakfast…
HJP: At home with my first coffee of the day, or I pick something up on my way to work
JA New York: Jewelry is all about…
HJP: Personal style and personal connections
JA New York: One thing I wear every day is…
HJP: My shadows stackable rings with my grandmothers’ wedding bands
JA New York: I don’t eat…
HJP: Steak, only because I don’t like the taste of meat
JA New York: I am a maniac about…
HJP: Having personal space and time
JA New York: My obsession of the moment is…
HJP: My 10 month year old Siberian cat Peña
JA New York: I’m currently reading…
HJP: “Positioning” by Al Ries and Jack Trout
JA New York: I’m currently listening to…
HJP: Florence and the Machine (going to see her in concert with my girlfriends soon!)
JA New York: My trade show uniform is…
HJP: Dark skinny jeans, black blazer and comfortable oxfords
JA New York: My greatest accomplishment so far is…
HJP: Launching my jewelry business, which has always been a dream of mine and keeping with it despite the ups and downs!